Le gâteau préféré de mon fils le »cheesse cake Oreo », je le fais tous les ans pour son anniversaire. Cette fois j’ai changé le cheesse cake par de la crème glacé, le résultat vraiment magnifique, il a adoré ma version crème glace!.
- biscuits oreo
- crème glacé
- mascarpone
- crème liquide 35%
Wow! Thank you! I continually wanted to write on my website something like that. Can I take a fragment of your post to my blog?
Ça a l’air délicieux !
And I was just wonidreng about that too!
I was interested in Candy Yum-Yum but I wasnt too sure if I would actually wear it … its an amazing colour, the MAC I went to was out of stock doh so I stuck with Playing Koi :)Yep I will let ya'l know what I think of the foundation when I try it etc x
had same prob as ryder and reset all as suggested by carol and it works perfect now.Thanks Carol I had spent 2 days messing with it. Needless to say I am a noob at all this.
Jag älskar bandet och staketet. OCh för att vara ett papper med glitter så tycker jag faktiskt mycket om det.Nilla hade samma papper till muffinsformen på muffinsen jag fick.Puss